Sun 16 March - One Day Full Moon Retreat
One Day Retreat with Chanting, Triple Refuge & Precepts Ceremony, Meditation and Dhamma Talk at Dhammagiri Forest Hermitage.
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One Day Pavāranā Full Moon Retreat Program
Sunday 16 March at Dhammagiri
08:30 am
Arrival of participants at Dhammahall
Silent Meditation
09:00 am
Taking Refuge in the Triple Gem
Observance of 8 or 5 precepts
10:00 am
Preparation of food for Almsoffering
10:30 am
Anumodanā & Blessing
Shared Meal
11:50 am
Dhamma Talk
01.00 pm
Break / Walking Meditation
01:30 pm
Sutta Chanting
Silent Meditation
03:00 pm
Evening Chanting
Guided / Silent Meditation
Dhamma Reflection
Sharing Merits with All Beings
05.00 pm
End of program
The ceremony at 9.00 am is not just for those observing 8 precepts as it includes the option of taking only 5 precepts.
Please observe Noble Silence out of consideration for yogis meditating all day. In particular, the back verandah is reserved only for those wishing to observe Nobel Silence
It is possible to participate only for parts of the program, but please be seated in the Dhammahall at least 15 minutes before start of sessions.
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If you can't come personally, the main events at 12:00 pm and 03.00 pm will be live streamed on our Youtube Channel