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Buddhist Blessing & Sharing Merits: Pali Text & Translation

Chants Recited Every Day at Almsfood Offering before the Meal at Dhammagiri

(the monks recite only the Pali language part, translation given below is just for your information)


Yathā vāri-vahā pūrā

paripūrenti sāgaraṃ

Evam-eva ito dinnaṃ

petānaṃ upakappati.

Icchitaṃ patthitaṃ tumhaṃ

khippam-eva samijjhatu;

Sabbe pūrentu sankappā

cando paṇṇa-raso yathā

maṇi joti-raso yathā.

As all the water in the streams

is flowing to the boundless sea,

Just likewise all your offerings

  are flowing to the spirit world.

And all you wish for and desire

  shall soon and safely be attained;

May wholesome wishes be fulfilled

just like the moon at full-moon night

  just like a wish fulfilling gem.

(just like a jewel shining bright)

[Khuddakapātha 7 Verse No 8 & Dhammapada Commentary 1.198]


Sabb'ītiyo vivajjantu,

sabba-rogo vinassatu;

Mā te bhavatv-antarāyo,

  sukhī dīgh'āyuko bhava.

May all distress come to an end,

   may all desease be quickly healed,

May all your problems be resolved,

   may you live long and happily.




  niccaṃ vuḍḍh'āpacāyino;

Cattāro dhammā vaḍḍhanti:

  Āyu vaṇṇo sukhaṃ balaṃ.

When someone's always honouring

   the elders worthy of respect,

Then they will grow in these four things:

   long life, strength, beauty, happiness.

[Dhammapada Verse No 109]


Āyu-do bala-do dhīro

   vaṇṇa-do paṭibhāṇa-do,

Sukhassa dātā medhāvī,

   sukhaṃ so adhigacchati.

Āyuṃ datvā balaṃ vaṇṇaṃ

   Sukhañ-ca paṭibhāna-do;

Dīgh’āyu yasavā hoti,

   yattha yatthūpapajjatī’ti

Those who give others life and strength

   and beauty and intelligence,

Who wisely give for happiness,

   receive great happiness themselves.

Those who have given life and strength,

   and beauty and intelligence;

They will enjoy long life and fame

   wherever they will be reborn.

 [Anguttara Nikāya Fives No 37]


Bhavatu sabba-mangalaṃ

  rakkhantu sabba-devatā


  sadā sotthī bhavantu te.

Bhavatu sabba-mangalaṃ

  rakkhantu sabba-devatā


  sadā sotthī bhavantu te.

Bhavatu sabba-mangalaṃ

  rakkhantu sabba-devatā


  sadā sotthī bhavantu te.

May you be blessed in every way,

   all angels shall protect you well;

And by the Buddha's mighty power

   may you be safe forevermore.

May you be blessed in every way,

   all angels shall protect you well;

And by the Teaching's mighty power

   may you be safe forevermore.

May you be blessed in every way

   all angels shall protect you well;

And by the Order's mighty power

   may you be safe forevermore.



Text and audio above is only the basic version, all these chants are usually included in the anumodanā and blessing at the meal offering here at Dhammagiri every day.

However, depending on the occasion, the monks may recite additional chants:

Sharing Merits with Departed Loved Ones, Extended Version

Adāsi me akāsi me

ñāti-mittā sakhā ca me

Petānaṃ dakkhiṇaṃ dajjā

pubbe katam-anussaraṃ

Na hi ruṇṇaṃ vā soko vā

yā v’aññā paridevanā

Na taṃ petānam-atthāya

evaṃ tiṭṭhanti ñātayo

Ayañ-ca kho dakkhiṇā dinnā

saṅghamhi supatiṭṭhitā

Dīgha-rattaṃ hitāy’assa

ṭhānaso upakappati

So ñāti-dhammo ca ayaṃ nidassito

petāna’pūjā ca katā uḷārā

Balañ-ca bhikkhūnam-anuppadinnaṃ

tumhehi puññaṃ pasutaṃ anappakan’ti.

They gave to me, they cared for me,

they were my relatives and friends."

Give offerings to departed ones

remembering what they've done for you!

No crying or lamenting helps;

your sadness and your grief will bring

No benefit to those you love,

it will not do them any good.

But all the offerings that you give

to the community of monks

Will reach your Loved Ones instantly

and bring them long-term happiness.

Your relatives, who've passed away, have now received

your loving homage, and your lofty offerings.

Your food and requisites give strength to all the monks -

you've made a huge amount of wholesome karma now!

[Khuddakapāṭha, Tirokuṭṭa Sutta]

Luang Por Sumedho Chanting Blessing Anumodana at Dhammagiri

Blessing of Supreme Faith

Aggato ve pasannānaṃ

aggaṃ dhammaṃ vijānataṃ

Agge Buddhe pasannānaṃ

dakkhiṇeyye anuttare

Agge dhamme pasannānaṃ

virāgūpasame sukhe

Agge saṅghe pasannānaṃ

puññakkhette anuttare

Aggasmiṃ dānaṃ dadataṃ

aggaṃ puññaṃ pavaḍḍhati

Aggaṃ āyu ca vaṇṇo ca

yaso kitti sukhaṃ balaṃ

Aggassa dātā medhāvī


Deva-bhūto manusso vā

aggappatto pamodatī’ti

All those with faith in the Supreme,

who know the foremost Dhamma well;

With faith in the Enlightened One,

supreme and worthy of all gifts;

With faith in Dhamma, the supreme

and blissful peace of letting go;

Those trustful that the Sangha is

the highest field of merit in the world;

All those who give to what's supreme

make karma that's supreme as well,

And gain the foremost lifespan, fame,

and beauty, happiness and strength.

The wise who give to what's supreme

their heart in Dhamma unified,

Reborn as human or as god,

rejoice as they have gained what is supreme.

[Anguttara Nikāya Fours No. 34; also Anguttara Nikāya Fives No. 32]

Aggdsfadsfaṃ āyu ca vaṇṇo caso

Ajahn Kalyano Blessing Anumodana Robe Offering Dhammagiri

Blessing for Offerings made at Special Occasions ('Kāla-Dāna')

Kāle dadanti sapaññā

vadaññū vīta-maccharā

Kālena dinnaṃ ariyesu

uju-bhūtesu tādisu

Vippasanna-manā tassa

vipulā hoti dakkhiṇā

Ye tattha anumodanti

veyyāvaccaṃ karonti vā

Na tena dakkhiṇā onā

tte pi puññassa bhāgino

Tasmā dade appaṭivāna-citto

yattha dinnaṃ mahapphalaṃ

Puññāni para-lokasmiṃ

patiṭṭhā honti pāṇinan’ti

The wise will give at the right time,

and free from envy, bountiful;

Because a gift to Noble Ones,

bestowed with joyful confidence

on Such-Ones with an upright mind,

is an exalted offering.

Those who rejoice in such a deed,

and those who join and work to help,

will not reduce the donors' gifts,

but share their karmic great reward.

Therefore, with unobstructed mind,

give where your gifts yield lavish fruit:

When going to the next rebirth

good karma is your sole support.

[Anguttara Nikāya Fives No. 36]

These verses are typically chanted at the Robe Offering Ceremony in the Kaṭhina season.

However, in the sutta containing these gāthās, the Buddha mentiones five 'special occasions' for giving dāna at the right time.

  • One gives a gift to someone just arriving from travels

  • One gives a gift to someone setting out to travel

  • One gives a gift to a sick person

  • One gives at a time of scarcity

  • One presents the first harvest, the first acquired gains to the virtuous ones  


Luang Por Liem Ajahn Dhammasiha Buddhist Shrineroom Dhammagiri

Click Image for Video of Luang Por Liem Chanting Blessing for Dhammagiri




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