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Ajahn Karuniko visit - 25 March to 31 March

Dhamma Tablets with Essential Suttas to Enshrine in Stupa

Fri 02 May Stupa Relic Enshrinement Ceremony with LP Anan TBC


Luang Por Anan at Dhammagiri_edited_edited.jpg

Welcome to


A Theravada Buddhist Forest Monastery in the tradition of Ajahn Chah

Dhammagiri Buddhist Monastery Brisbane Queensland Australia

About Dhammagiri


Dhammagiri is a Buddhist Monastery in the Theravada Forest Tradition, associated with the lineage of Ajahn Chah.


It aims to transcend today's bewildering confusion of Buddhist gurus, dogmas and techniques by returning to the original teachings of the Buddha as found in the early parts of the Pali canon, and in the living practice of the great meditation masters in the Forest Tradition.

Dhammagiri Dhammahall & Bodhi Tree 01.jpg


Join us at Dhammagiri Forest Hermitage, 45 minutes from Brisbane CBD.

Buddha Meditation Buddhist Shrine Teaching Mudra Dhammacakka Theravada Forest Tradition
Dhammagiri Buddhist Podcast on Spotify


Listen to the Dhammagiri Podcast

Dhammatalks, Chanting, Precepts and Meditation with Ajahn Dhammasiha and other experienced Senior Buddhist Monks in the Theravade Forest Tradition of Ajahn Chah.

Podcast Ven Dhammasiha Bhikkhu Buddhism Dhamma Talks
Ajahn Dhammasiha Podcast on Apple itunes
Buddhist Chanting Podcast Venerable Bhante Dhammasiha


Live Streams and Video Archive

Spiritual Happiness is the Path to Awakening | Ajahn Dhammasiha | Dhamma Talk on Buddhism

Spiritual Happiness is the Path to Awakening | Ajahn Dhammasiha | Dhamma Talk on Buddhism

As followers of the Buddha, are we devoted to the persuit of pleasure? Amazingly, and perhaps even counterintuitively, the answer is actually 'Yes"! It's not every kind of pleasure, though, we're not persuing happiness based on sensual indulgence, or anything causing harm to other beings. We only persue wholesome, spiritual pleasure, like the happiness one gets from practising generosity and helping other beings; or the blameless happiness and freedom from remorse one gains from keeping precepts; or the undisturbed happiness one gains from restraining the doors of the senses; and in particular the rapture and bliss one experiences in samādhi. Ajahn Dhammasiha quotes from Pāsādikasutta, Dīgha Nikāya/Long Discourses No29, and from Cūḷadukkhakkhandhasutta, Majjima Nikāya/Middle Length Discourses No14 AUDIO PODCASTS In addition to these videos, we also publish about two new Dhamma talks and guided meditations every week as audio podcasts. The latest podcasts, and some 300 earlier ones on a wide variety of subjects, are available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts/itunes, Castbox, Google Podcasts, and many other podcast apps. Just search for "Dhammagiri Buddhist Podcasts" on your favourite podcast app. Or you can simply listen with with your browser directly from the Dhammagiri podcasts page: MORE INFORMATION Dhammagiri Website: Dhammagiri News: Dhammagiri Podcasts: Latest Photos #happiness #pleasure #bliss #rapture #dhammatalk #buddhism
All Buddhas Respect & Revere the Saddhamma | Sutta Exploration | AN Fours 21 | Ajahn Dhammasiha

All Buddhas Respect & Revere the Saddhamma | Sutta Exploration | AN Fours 21 | Ajahn Dhammasiha

Ajahn Dhammasiha reads out and discusses Anguttara Nikāya / Numerical Discourses of the Buddha, Book of Fours, No 21. Shortly after his supreme awakening, the Buddha reflects that without anything to look up to and respect and revere, one dwells in suffering. However, not finding any being in the whole universe that would exceed him in virtue, or samādhi, or wisdom, or release, the Buddha decides to respect, honour and esteem the Saddhamma that he discouvered. Brahma Sahampati appears to confirm to the Buddha that actually all the Buddhas of the past did exactly the same thing, revering the Saddhamma, and all the Buddhas arising in the future will do likewise. He then recites 3 verses expressing that reality, which the Buddha approves of. We will install 4 bronze plaques on the four sides of our Saddhamma Stupa with the verses of Brahma Sahampati, extolling the Saddhamma and the importance of respecting and remembering it: Ye ca atītā Sambuddhā Ye ca Buddhā anāgatā Yo c'etarahi Sambuddho Bahūnaṃ sokanāsano All Buddhas of the distant past, And all the Buddhas yet to come, The Buddha of our present time, Who freed so many from all grief; Sabbe saddhammagaruno Vihaṃsu viharanti ca Tathāpi viharissanti Esā buddhāna dhammatā They live, will live, have always lived Revering the authentic truth, The Dhamma that they realized - This is the nature of Enlightened Ones. Tasmā hi attakāmena Mahattamabhikaṅkhatā Saddhammo garukātabbo Saraṃ Buddhāna sāsanan'ti And thus, for your own happiness, For your own lasting benefit, Revere the truthful Dhamma here, Remember what the Buddha taught! QUOTED FROM: Anguttara Nikāya, Catukkanipāta, Paṭhamapaṇṇāsakaṃ, Uruvelavaggo, 1. Paṭhama Uruvelasutta AN 4.21 Numerical Discourses, Book of Fours, First Group of 50, Uruvela Chapter 1 First Uruvelasutta AN Fours 21 More info & latest updates about our stupa project: AUDIO PODCASTS In addition to these videos, we also publish about two new Dhamma talks and guided meditations every week as audio podcasts. The latest podcasts, and some 300 earlier ones on a wide variety of subjects, are available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts/itunes, Castbox, Google Podcasts, and many other podcast apps. Just search for "Dhammagiri Buddhist Podcasts" on your favourite podcast app. Or you can simply listen with with your browser directly from the Dhammagiri podcasts page: MORE INFORMATION Dhammagiri Website: Dhammagiri Newsletter: Dhammagiri Podcasts: #buddhism #meditation #chanting #buddhistchanting #mindfulness #mindfulnessmeditation
Most Important Teachings of the Buddha - Choosing Essential Suttas to Enshrine in Saddhamma Stupa

Most Important Teachings of the Buddha - Choosing Essential Suttas to Enshrine in Saddhamma Stupa

Ajahn Dhammasiha explains about our project to enshrine a selection of fundamental suttas of the Buddha in our Saddhamma Cetiya on the hilltop of Dhammagiri. A project in Austria has developed a technique to print and burn text onto ceramic tiles, that can potentially last for many millennia. However, with cost of EUR350 per 20cm x 20cm tile, it would be impossible in terms of cost & available space to enshrine the whole Ṭipitaka. Instead, we're collecting a number of particular important teachings in Pali & English translation, which can fit onto one 20cm x 20cm tile (with minimum font size not below 4pt to 5pt, to be still clear in the available 300 dpi resolution). We've already formatted the first formal discourse of the Buddha, the famous 'Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta' (Setting in Motion the Wheel of Dhamma). We managed to get the whole Pali text & English translation onto one tile, in Garamond Bold 5pt font, and the ceramic tablet is already being produced by the artist in Austria. The third grand discourse of the Buddha, the 'Ādittapariyāya Sutta' (Fire Sermon) is also already donated and being manufactured. This is the teaching with the highest reported number of attainments: while listening to the Buddha teaching, 1,000 monks were released from the defilements. We're now preparing the second discourse 'Anattalakkhaṇa Sutta' (Not-Self Characteristic), where the first 5 disciples of the Buddha attained arahantship while listening; and the third Sutta in Udāna, giving Paṭicca Samuppāda (Dependent Origination) in forward and reverse order; and many more.. depending on donations and how many we're able to format in time to have them delivered before the enshrinement ceremony with Luang Por Anan of Wat Marp Jan on 03 May. Ajahn also points out the importance for everyone to have a personal collection of favourite teachings of the Buddha, which one ideally learns by heart, or at least studies thoroughly and recites regularly. You can view and download images of all the Dhamma Tablets that we will enshrine here: General info and latest updates about our stupa project: AUDIO PODCASTS In addition to these videos, we also publish about two new Dhamma talks and guided meditations every week as audio podcasts. The latest podcasts, and some 300 earlier ones on a wide variety of subjects, are available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts/itunes, Castbox, Google Podcasts, and many other podcast apps. Just search for "Dhammagiri Buddhist Podcasts" on your favourite podcast app. Or you can simply listen with with your browser directly from the Dhammagiri podcasts page: MORE INFORMATION Dhammagiri Website: Dhammagiri Newsletter: Dhammagiri Pics: #buddhistteachings #buddhistwisdom #buddhistphilosophy #stupa #buddhaquotes #buddhateachings
Water, Wind, Fire & Earth - Contemplating 4 Elements | Ajahn Dhammasiha | Catu Mahabhuta | Dhatu

Water, Wind, Fire & Earth - Contemplating 4 Elements | Ajahn Dhammasiha | Catu Mahabhuta | Dhatu

As we have just been throughTropical Cyclone Alfred, Ajahn Dhammasiha shares reflections about the impermanent und unrealiable, changeable nature of the four great material elements: Earth = Paṭhavī Dhātu Water = Apo Dhātu Fire = Tejo Dhātu Wind = Vāyo Dhātu These 4 elements constitute our physical bodies. Unfortunately, just as we can't control (or even properly predict) them externally, so they're also out of control internally. As a cyclone can disrupt the external wind & water elements, likewise sickness and old age can disrupt any of our internal elements, and the body they constitute. And at the time of death, consciousness completely loses control and disconnects from these elements. As they are out of control, unpredictable, and ultimately disintegrating at death, we will never get lasting happiness from these 4 elements, or any material object constituted by them. The only way out is for the mind to completely let go of all attachment and identification with these elements, in order to be released from them and to experience what is beyond them, the deathless state of total freedom, Nibbāna. AUDIO PODCASTS In addition to these videos, we also publish about two new Dhamma talks and guided meditations every week as audio podcasts. The latest podcasts, and some 300 earlier ones on a wide variety of subjects, are available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts/itunes, Castbox, Google Podcasts, and many other podcast apps. Just search for "Dhammagiri Buddhist Podcasts" on your favourite podcast app. Or you can simply listen with with your browser directly from the Dhammagiri podcasts page: MORE INFORMATION Dhammagiri Website: Dhammagiri Newsletter: Dhammagiri Podcasts: #buddhism #insight #elements #vipassana #lettinggo
Dhammagiri Stupa Blessing Luang Por Piak & 10 Senior Monks: "Namo Tassa..." #stupa #paritta #pirith

Dhammagiri Stupa Blessing Luang Por Piak & 10 Senior Monks: "Namo Tassa..." #stupa #paritta #pirith

Luang Por Piak, the abbot of Wat Cittabhavanaram (Wat Fa Kram) in Lamlukka, Bangkok, was so kind to stop at Dhammagiri during his recent visit to Queensland, to give a special blessing and chant paritta for our Saddhamma Cetiya. The audio is recorded live at the occasion, the beginning of our Paritta Chanting, the traditional homage to the Buddha: Namo tassa Bhagavato, Arahato, Sammāsambuddhassa (3x) [Homage to the Exalted, Noble, and Perfectly Awakened One (3x)] All together, we had 10 senior monks present for the occasion. Luang Por Piak is a direct disciple of Ajahn Chah, and widely regarded as one of the most accomplished living meditation masters in our tradition. We extend our gratitude and appreciation to Luang Por to include us in his itinerary. More information about the 'Saddhamma Cetiya' stupa can be found here: AUDIO PODCASTS In addition to these videos, we also publish about two new Dhamma talks and guided meditations every week as audio podcasts. The latest podcasts, and some 300 earlier ones on a wide variety of subjects, are available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts/itunes, Castbox, Google Podcasts, and many other podcast apps. Just search for "Dhammagiri Buddhist Podcasts" on your favourite podcast app. Or you can simply listen with with your browser directly from the Dhammagiri podcasts page: MORE INFO: Dhammagiri Website: Dhammagiri Pics: #buddhistchanting #buddhistmonks #buddhistmonastery
The Saddhamma Cetiya (Stupa) has arrived at Dhammagiri - See how the stupa was lifted into place

The Saddhamma Cetiya (Stupa) has arrived at Dhammagiri - See how the stupa was lifted into place

On Friday 28/02 our Saddhamma Cetiya finally arrived. This 6 min. video is a short summary of the 4 hours of very delicate work to raise our Saddhamma Cetiya out of its shipping crate onto its final place. The intricately designed crate and the stupa itself had been carefully prepared by LP Thanong and his team, who kindly constructed our stupa for free, according to our plans 🙏 After unloading and raising it out of its crate, our stupa had to be hoisted onto the prepared concrete plinth in two parts. Again, very precise work was required to fit the parts perfectly on top of each other. The crane operator and his rigger did a great job. Paritta Chanting used for the video was recited by the Wat Pah Nanachat Sangha. AUDIO PODCASTS In addition to these videos, we also publish about two new Dhamma talks and guided meditations every week as audio podcasts. The latest podcasts, and some 300 earlier ones on a wide variety of subjects, are available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts/itunes, Castbox, Google Podcasts, and many other podcast apps. Just search for "Dhammagiri Buddhist Podcasts" on your favourite podcast app. Or you can simply listen with with your browser directly from the Dhammagiri podcasts page: MORE INFO: Dhammagiri Website: Dhammagiri Newsletter: Dhammagiri Podcasts: #buddhism #dhamma #stupa #construction #building
Buddha Meditation Retreat Cabin Kuti Brisbane Dhammagiri Lineage of Ajahn Chah


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