All Buddhas Respect & Revere the Saddhamma | Sutta Exploration | AN Fours 21 | Ajahn Dhammasiha
Ajahn Dhammasiha reads out and discusses Anguttara Nikāya / Numerical Discourses of the Buddha, Book of Fours, No 21.
Shortly after his supreme awakening, the Buddha reflects that without anything to look up to and respect and revere, one dwells in suffering.
However, not finding any being in the whole universe that would exceed him in virtue, or samādhi, or wisdom, or release, the Buddha decides to respect, honour and esteem the Saddhamma that he discouvered.
Brahma Sahampati appears to confirm to the Buddha that actually all the Buddhas of the past did exactly the same thing, revering the Saddhamma, and all the Buddhas arising in the future will do likewise.
He then recites 3 verses expressing that reality, which the Buddha approves of.
We will install 4 bronze plaques on the four sides of our Saddhamma Stupa with the verses of Brahma Sahampati, extolling the Saddhamma and the importance of respecting and remembering it:
Ye ca atītā Sambuddhā
Ye ca Buddhā anāgatā
Yo c'etarahi Sambuddho
Bahūnaṃ sokanāsano
All Buddhas of the distant past,
And all the Buddhas yet to come,
The Buddha of our present time,
Who freed so many from all grief;
Sabbe saddhammagaruno
Vihaṃsu viharanti ca
Tathāpi viharissanti
Esā buddhāna dhammatā
They live, will live, have always lived
Revering the authentic truth,
The Dhamma that they realized -
This is the nature of Enlightened Ones.
Tasmā hi attakāmena
Saddhammo garukātabbo
Saraṃ Buddhāna sāsanan'ti
And thus, for your own happiness,
For your own lasting benefit,
Revere the truthful Dhamma here,
Remember what the Buddha taught!
Anguttara Nikāya,
1. Paṭhama Uruvelasutta
AN 4.21
Numerical Discourses,
Book of Fours,
First Group of 50,
Uruvela Chapter
1 First Uruvelasutta
AN Fours 21
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